Is That Winter Itch Driving You NutZ ?

Is That Winter Itch Driving You NutZ ?


Do you love wearing black but HATE those embarrassing flakes?

Have you ever had a close friend dust off your shoulders because you have flakes that you didn’t see. Close friend or not it is always so embarrassing but even more so if they weren’t brushed off. For some reason we humans seem to feel it is a failing or indication that we are lacking in proper grooming habits or hygiene and for some that might be the case. However...



every winter I receive many queries from concerned followers as to why their scalp itches. Dry itchy scalp, should not be confused with dandruff or other conditions. I am here to share an article I’ve researched that clearly outlines some of the causes so you might be able to identify your own personal issue with that annoying ITCHY SCALP!


Since a dry flaky scalp is often confused with dandruff, it is important to understand the difference before going into the causes.


If the flakiness you feel is limited to the top of your head, and it the flakes appear like dust but white in colour, it is just dry flaky scalp and not dandruff. These patches of flaky scalp are worse at certain times of the year, particularly during change of seasons. You might have experienced that the spot of your scalp that feels flaky is where you apply shampoo or the place where hot water from the shower falls.


The above mentioned is a good way to determine that your condition is one of dry flaky scalp rather than dandruff, which is associated more with an oily skin.

Factors that cause your scalp to become dry and flaky


  • Seborrheic Dermatitis – It is a form of skin condition in which the scalp becomes red and causes the skin to flake.
  • Psoriasis – It is a type of skin disorder in which the skin cell growth is faster than normal which leads to thickening and flaking of the scalp.
  • Weather – Dryness after the onset of winter can lead to flaky scalp. You would be well advised to use hair care products particular to the weather rather than your hair type in this weather. You can also switch between products if the condition returns.
  • Hot showers – Your scalp can become really flaky if you are used to having a very hot shower. You will need to use a conditioner and get off this habit of using such a hot water for bathing.
  • Not rinsing well with shampoo – You need to rinse your shampoo thoroughly if you use a conditioner for your hair. Conditioner helps to comb your hair as it becomes smooth and silky, but it can retain the soap left over from the shampoo, that can begin to peel off as flakes.
  • Infrequent shampooing – If your hair is not washed and cleaned at regular intervals, the dust can accumulate and aggravate the dry flakes.
  • Hair care products – Certain hair care products, particularly those that are not manufactured keeping in mind the dryness of winter.
  • Heredity – It is a fact that the tendency to have dry flaky scalp runs in families and the external factors determine its severity.


Michael diCesare recommends the following combination to help you get rid of a itchy head:

Apple Cider Vinegar and diCesare Oat Complex Conditioner

  1. First rinse your hair and scalp with water and allow it to dry.
  2. Mix equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and water and pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Apply this mixture directly onto your scalp with the help of cotton balls. Spray it on your scalp.
  3. After few minutes, shampoo with normal water. and condition with diCesare Oat Complex Conditioner 

(research from

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